
Learning Goals 和 Outcomes

Language Studies Degree Program - 本科 Goals with Outcomes

At the completion of the program 和 depending upon the level of course work completed in individual areas, the student will be able to:

(1) Use the tools of critical analysis, whether linguistic, cultural, or literary     
       (a) Linguistic:  Identify elements, 类别, 和 relations in selected or naturally occurring sets of linguistic evidence

       (b) Literary: Identify genre, literary devices, movement 和 period

       (c) Cultural: Identify social structures, cultural practices 和 products in their historical context

(2) Demonstrate knowledge of how languages operate

      (a) Identify 和 analyze differences between languages

      (b) Make generalizations about language based on recognition of its systematic nature

      (c) Recognize that languages vary across time, space, 和 social groups

(3) Communicate in one or more languages

            (a) Communicate appropriately in accordance with their highest level of coursework

(4) Extrapolate how to acquire a subsequent language

            (a) Recognize 和 assess their own individual language learning strategies.

            (b) Predict their own language learning difficulties 和 construct strategies to overcome them.

(5) Locate, organize, evaluate, 和 meaningfully apply information about culture(s)

            (a) Demonstrate underst和ing of the constructed nature of culture 和

            (b) reflectively compare cultures 和 civilizations, reflect on cultural differences, values 和 beliefs, 和

            (c) analyze literary 和 cultural texts in relation to perspectives of the target culture(s).


The programs in the department are assessed annually.  评估 information is available from the 部门.